The language used in this library is designed to:
- Provide protection from liability;
- Be clear in meaning by leaving as little as possible open to interpretation;
- Provide information in language that clients can understand; and
- Be accurate and true.
Past Tense
Narratives are written in the past tense. Because an inspection report is basically a description of the condition of the property during the inspection, by the time anyone reads the report, the inspection will be in the past and use of the present tense may or may not be accurate. As more time passes, the chances of the condition of the home changing increase. An exaggerated example is that the house might have burned to the ground 10 minutes after the inspector leaves! This is another reason that we don't allow our reports to be used by unauthorized parties during subsequent transactions.
Written to a Formula
Narratives that describe deficiencies are written to the following formula:
- Identify the deficiency;
- Tell how serious it is. Narratives may be a generic description of risk, and/or more specific: minor, moderate, severe, or end of useful life.
- Make a recommendation. This is typically a recommendation for further evaluation, correction, repair, or replacement, by a qualified contractor, a structural engineer, or a specialist of some sort.
Building Code is Not Cited
The reason that building code is not cited. For educational purposes only, in some versions of the Library the Standard (IRC, IBC, IPC, etc.) and section will be listed in case the inspector wants to refer to a particular code provision for clarification. This information is not included in the narratives.
Use of Terms (all narratives are editable)
Keeping it Simple: The main purpose of the report is to communicate clearly to the client the condition of the property. The use of complicated technical terms is avoided as long as the term used offers adequate protection from liability. Example: we use "windows" not "fenestration".
Using Proper Terms: If an inspector winds up defending their report in court, their task will be easier if the report contains professional level language. Example: "footer" is a misnomer. The part of the foundation that rests directly on soil is called a "footing". Look on any set of building plans for confirmation.
Regional Variations: Terms vary regionally and inspectors should either use the term commonly used in the area in which the inspection took place, or list an additional, secondary term in parentheses. Example: For the framing member upon which a door or window header bears directly: the eastern version is "jack stud" and the western version is "trimmer".