For those who would like updated or replacement templates:

  • Requested within 90 days of original purchase: Replacement templates of your choice at no charge;
  • Requested within 6 months of original purchase: One replacement template of your choice for 50% off the price current at the time of the request;
  • Requested within 1 year of original purchase: One replacement template of your choice for 30% off the price current at the time of the request;  and
  • Requested more than 1 year after original purchase: One replacement template of your choice for 20% off the price current at the time of the request;

Please Note:

  1. This policy applies only to like templates. Specialist templates are not included.
  2. There is a charge for upgrades, for example Word/Excel ($195 or price at your time of purchase) to a full working template ($225 current price)
  3. Template replacement requests must be accompanied by proof of purchase!
  4. This offer is limited to additional or replacement templates of which I am the sole owner.
  5. This policy is subject to change without notification.

No returns on digital products!

Subject to change without notice

For replacement, please contact Kenton         (720) 646-8724      or