The largest, most comprehensive custom narrative library available anywhere.

Now available as a dual-language template!


Purchase the English/Spanish template, only $245.00



Using this Home Inspector Pro template you can:

  • Generate reports in English, Spanish or in both;
  • Generate reports that give titles, documents and narratives in both English and Spanish;
  • Extend your market, expand your service, and enhance your reputation for serving and protecting homebuyers who in the past have been at a disadvantage.

This library contains approximately:

  • 13,000 narratives (English and Spanish combined). For comparison, an average mystery novel is about 70,000 words. Years spent organizing, revising and streamlining the core format and carefully-chosen color coding of the Spanish Narratives allow you to find narratives relatively quickly.
  • 700 Damage Panels;
  • 138 drop-down lists.

About the Translation   You'll be asked about the translation because there are a lot of bad translations out there. Visit this page so that you'll be prepared to answer questions.

View some screen examples  View a few examples of the 740 damage panels you'll have at your fingertips when you use this template.

HIP Template/Document Installation Instruction page.  View detailed installation instructions (same as the standard template installation).

Important things to understand about formatting  This template is a little different from standard templates.  Learn how to maintain important format settings for correct report printing.

About the Format

Example 1     HIP English-Spanish 2

    -- Click image to enlarge --

  • Section and Heading titles are given in both English and Spanish.
  • English narratives are shown in black font, Spanish in light blue. This allows you to  scan more quickly for the English narrative you need while ignoring text in Spanish. Once you find the English narrative you need, the corresponding Spanish narrative is located immediately  below.
  • As with the standard template, narratives are separated into small groups by dividing lines. This means that instead of having to look at each individual narrative in a long list, your eye can quickly scan narrative groups for the one you need.

HIP E-S Documents photo

The custom documents are provided in both English and Spanish (in the same document). The Spanish versions are in blue font, following the same format as the narratives.

Example 2 list

Drop-down lists follow the same general format with the Spanish term located just beneath the English term. Where necessary, the appropriate Spanish article precedes masculine and feminine nouns.

Creating Duplicate Headings

You can create duplicates of common home features like Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Staircases, etc.. The narratives refer to "this" bedroom, bathroom or staircase, meaning that the English and Spanish narratives will work for as many duplicates as you need. The title will provide the location of the duplicate.

Purchase/demo the HIP software here