Electric Shock Drowning

December 4, 2022

Ground Fault: A ground fault occurs when electricity takes an unplanned path to ground. If the grounding conductor aboard a boat connected to shore power is broken and a ground fault occurs, current may find its way onto the prop and from there will return through the water to the shoreside grounding electrode. If a …

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Seawall and Dock SOPs

September 21, 2022

STANDARDS OF PRACTICE for WATERFRONT PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES and DOCKING FACILITIES   Current (2021) home inspection industry Standards of Practice (SOPs) do not cover the inspection of waterfront protective structures like seawalls, bulkheads and revetments. As with General Home Inspections, SOPs are minimum guidelines detailing what home inspectors must inspect, and what they need not inspect. …

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April 30, 2020

Identifying the Number of Plies Rolls come in standard and metric sizes:  Standard- 36″         Metric 39 3/8″ 2-ply standard:   17-inch ply exposure 2-ply metric:       18 9/16-inch ply exposure 3-ply standard:   11 1/4-inch ply exposure 3-ply metric:       12 7/16-inch ply exposure 4-ply standard:     8 1/2-inch ply exposure 4-ply metric:          9 5/16-inch ply exposure   INSPECTION CONCERNS Design …

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February 16, 2020

Spalling is freeze damage. Clay tile is absorbent. If tile absorbs water from precipitation and then the temperature falls below freezing, Water expanding as it turns to ice can cause flakes to separate from the tile surface. This process is called “spalling”.

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February 16, 2020

Spalling of clay tile is basically freeze damage. Clay tile is absorbent. If tile absorbs water from precipitation and then the temperature falls below freezing, Water expanding as it turns to ice can cause flakes to separate from the tile surface. This process is called “spalling”.

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