Buy it Now, only $225!

7,000 narratives you'll never have to write... we've done it for you!

This Template is Attorney Vetted!

View/Download the template for FREE in your copy of Spectora!

View or download the entire sample INL Commercial Template containing all Section, Item, and narrative titles, plus all Reminder widow content (links are not live) contained in the full template! A generous number of sample narratives are included.


  1. Open your copy of Spectora (you can sign up here for free);
  2. In the dark blue bar along the top, select "Templates"
  3. In the window that opens, select "Template Center"     
  4. Once the page opens, scroll down about 7 rows to "FEATURED COMMUNITY TEMPLATES" and look for the     Logo!

What Should I Look For?

  • Narratives that have an asterisk after the title contain a sample narrative:
  • To view a Reminder window, in an Item, select the pencil icon:   

Does it Follow a Standards of Practice (SOPs)?

This template content exceeds the requirements of both the InterNACHI and ASHI SOPs. Inspection templates and inspection Standards serve different purposes, and this template is organized in manner optimized for the inspection process, so it covers the standards but doesn't follow them.

Custom Contractor Type Recommendations

This template comes with a separate list of over 160 custom recommendations that you can add to your Custom Contractor Type recommendation list. (Settings > REPORT OPTIONS)

Kenton’s Reference (normally $29.99, but included FREE!)

Kenton's Reference is a collection of MS Word folders and documents, organized by home inspection subject, with reference articles covering a variety of inspection-related subjects. The Reference contains about 45,000 words; printed as a book, the reference material would run about 200 pages.