- Insert stopper into drain on garbage disposal side and fill with hot water, checking to make sure hot water is on the left;
- When the sink has filled, pull the plug, turn on the disposal and look under the cabinet for leaks;
- Disposal should be free from vibration and excessive noise;
- Operable wand if applicable;
- Faucet leakage and proper operation;
Note: Instant hot water is potential scorch hazard
UNDER-CABINET: In addition to leaks, look for:
- Water damage/leaks;
- Hi-loop or air gap dishwasher anti-siphon device;
- Proper trap;
- Air admission valves must be min. 4” above trap arm;
- Proper disposal wiring (hard-wire or proper cord).
- GFCI protection of outlets (where applicable)
Drink water from a clean glass, and then put it in the dishwasher and turn it on. WATCH FOR LEAKS! Think twice before running older dishwashers that appear to not have been used for a while!
- Damage;
- Presence of backsplash
- Adequate electrical receptacles (GFCI?);
- Are they fastened to the cabinets?
- CABINETS: Check them all for:
- Proper drawer operation;
- Proper door operation;
- Damage outside/inside
RANGE: Check for:
- Anti-tip devices (try to tip the stove toward you);
- Operate burners and oven;
- Proper ignition and flame pattern/color (blue=good);
- Gas shut off within reach;
- No gas pipes through cabinets;
- 220v receptacle securely attached
- Intact oven door seal;
- Damage outside/inside.
- MICROWAVE: Use a tester to confirm proper operation.
- Exhaust type: recirculating or exhaust to the exterior;
- Lights operable;
- Fan operable (check all speeds).
- Damage outside/inside;
- Intact shelving;
- Proper temperatures (40°/0°);
- Intact door seal.
- Operable light
- Ice maker
- Water valve
TRASH COMPACTOR: operate through cycle
- Dedicated outlets for anything with a motor: Dishwasher, disposal, fridge, trash compactor
- GFCI protection;
- Adequate number;
- Proper location (not over sink);
- No conventional receptacles in countertop (pop-up OK)