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Wildfire: an uncontrolled fire of natural, accidental or criminal origin, which spreads over a natural or agricultural area covered by combustible vegetation, and which may spread to developed/suburban areas.

What is a Wildfire Survey?

For home inspectors, a wildfire survey is an ancillary inspection of a property designed to provide the client with a written report identifying property features/conditions that influence the ability of a property and its occupants to survive a wildfire. 

What are the Benefits of a Wildfire Survey?

  1. Improving the survivability of the home and its occupants in the event of a wildfire by:
    1. Educating clients about methods for protecting themselves, their pets, and their home;
    2. Identifying areas and items where improvements can be made to maximize home survivability;
  2. Providing a local fire department with a positive wildfire survey report may encourage the assignment of fire teams to protect a home during a wildfire (during triage);
  3. A positive wildfire inspection report may help reduce the cost of homeowner's fire insurance premiums.

Because property conditions can change over time and it's important that wildfire fire-related information remain up-to-date, these surveys should be performed annually and can be a continuing income stream for inspectors.

It's Not Code Compliance

The Standard providing the primary basis for the Wildfire Survey Template is the International Wildland-Urban Interface Code (IWUIC). However, the purpose of the wildfire inspection report is not to document code violations, but to provide clients with information that improves the chances that their family, animals, and home will survive a wildfire. The basis for the Template also includes requirements and recommendations from a variety of other wildfire safety resources such as CalFire and Firewise USA.

Your Inspection Agreement!

Because this is a new type of inspection, before performing this survey you should limit your liability by amending your inspection agreement, or developing a separate agreement. Legal concerns will vary among jurisdictions. Whichever approach you take, have it approved by your attorney and your insurance company.

Performing the Survey

The template is self-explanatory. Subjects not covered by the nature of the titles and comments is explained in the Reminder windows, typically in the ITEMS column.

Select the pencil icon to see Reminder window content:   

  • The sample template contains 12 comments
  • The full template contains 300 comments

See the Standards of Practice

Request a sample template by contacting Kenton: (limited time offer)