Industry Biography
Industry CV
Mr. Shepard's qualifications are as follows:
- 30 years in residential and light commercial construction in California and Colorado.
- Held a B General Contractor's license in California.
- Contracted framing and finish in Colorado.
- Began Inspecting in 2001, inspected actively until 2011.
- Lifetime member: International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI).
- Member: Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA).
- He served on the review committees for the InterNACHI Entrance Exam and Standards of Practice.
- He reviewed mock reports submitted for approval by InterNACHI membership applicants.
- He offered an inspection report critique service for home inspectors (for profit service).
- Former member: National Association of Commercial Building Inspectors.
- Graduate, Haag Engineering courses:
- Certified Residential Roof Inspector
- Certified Commercial Roof Inspector
- Presenter at various inspection conferences
- InterNACHI Director of Green Building, 2008-2018
- InterNACHI Director of International Development 2011-2018
- Australia (one month)
- South Africa (3 months)
- México (28 months)
- Certified Master Inspector
- Expert Witness: conventional and log homes.
The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) is the world's largest professional association for home inspectors, with over 25,000 members in North America and members in more than 40 countries.
InterNACHI Inspection course instructor/writer/producer
Mr. Shepard has been/is approved as a home inspection course instructor in the following states and provinces:
Alaska, Alberta, CA, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin.
InterNACHI Narrative Library
Residential Narratives
- 2008: the first edition was released as a collection of Word documents.
- 2012: Custom template for Home inspector Pro released.
- 2015: Custom template for HomeGauge, and an English/Spanish dual language custom template for home inspector pro were released.
- 2018: Custom template for Whisper Reporter (TREC 7-5 format) released. (now 7-6).
- 2018: Custom template for Spectacular Home Inspection Software released.
- 2019: Custom template for Spectora released.
- 2020: Searchable Excel spreadsheet version released.
- 2022: Custom TREC 7-6 template for Spectora released.
- 2024: Custom template for Scribeware released.
Commercial Narratives
2022: Released comprehensive custom digital templates for Spectora, Home Inspector Pro, and HomeGauge. Also available as a searchable Excel spreadsheet.
Specialized Narrative Templates
2022: Custom template for Boat Dock, Boat Lift and Boathouse templates for Spectora, HomeGauge, and Home Inspector Pro released. Also available as a searchable Excel spreadsheet.
2024: Released a Wildfire Survey template (an ancillary inspection.
Featured Author: HomeGauge Webwriter
10/24: HomeGauge released a version of their Webwriter inspection software featuring Kenton's Residential Narrative Library.
Note: The InterNACHI Narrative Library is the intellectual property of Mr. Shepard
US Inspection Courses:
- Log Home Inspection: (online written course) The only log home course created specifically for home inspectors.
- Green Building (online written course)
Roof Inspection (online video courses [wrote, produced, and hosted]):
- Inspecting Asphalt Shingle Roofs: 3.25 hours.
- Inspecting Wood Shake and Shingle Roofs: 50 minutes.
- Inspecting Tile Roofs: 47 minutes
- Inspecting Metal Roofs: 36 minutes
- Inspecting Slate Roofs: 71 minutes.
- Advanced HVAC Training for Inspectors (16 hours, co-produced, hosted)
- Fall protection demonstration (short, produced, hosted)
- Walking Concrete tile (short, produced, hosted)
... and numerous others.
As InterNACHI's Director of International Development (2011-2018):
International Inspection courses authored:
- Introduction to Home Inspections: (Australia, South Africa, online written courses);
- Introduction to the Standards of Practice: (Australia, South Africa, online written courses);
- Roof Inspections: (South Africa, online written course);
- Soils, Substructure and Superstructure: (South Africa, online written course);
- México: Introdución a la Inspección Residencial de Pre-Compra: (México, online written course).
International Chapter Development:
- Wrote website content for the Australian, South African, Mexican, and Middle East InterNACHI chapters;
- Developed home inspection Standards of Practice for South Africa and Australia;
- Created the entrance exams for InterNACHI South Africa and InterNACHI Australia;
- Lived/worked abroad 2012-2016: Australia, South Africa, México.
Author of Building/Inspection-related Material
- Mastering Roof Inspections: 147-article written online series;
- First edition of the InterNACHI Narrative Library, 2008... 4th revision 2018;
- ;Wrote 3 books for publication by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
- Jobsite Phrasebook series, English/Spanish, 2003/2004;
- ;Roof Inspection Field Guides
- Asphalt Shingle;
- Clay and Concrete Tile Roofs;
- Wood Roofs;
- Slate Roofs;
- Report Writing Guide;
- Log Home Inspection Checklist;
- Author, 150-page critique of NHIE Home Inspection Manual (not for publication);
- Visual Inspection of Concrete, comprehensive online article;
- Author, InterNACHI Narrative Library, custom digital templates for Home Inspector Pro, HomeGauge, Spectora, Spectacular, Tap Inspect, Whisper Reporter, Word, and Excel;
- Author: Inspecting Straw Bale Homes (comprehensive online article);
- Author: Inspecting Floating Homes (comprehensive online article)
Certified Commercial Inspectors Association (CCPIA) (articles available only to members)
- Inspecting Built-up Roofs: 37-page white paper.
- Extensive articles on various systems and aspects of commercial roofing
Designer/Builder, InterNACHI Houses of Horrors
Designed and constructed as teaching tools for home inspectors, InterNACHI's Houses of Horrors are full-size, home-like structures built inside warehouses, making them available to students year-round. Students are challenged to identify defects built into the structural, roofing, wall cladding, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems.
Boulder, CO
Weston, FL
Houses in the different regions are designed, as much as possible, to reflect the building practices common to those regions.
Certified Commercial Property Inspector's Association (CCPIA)